Friday, January 24, 2014

3rd batch - more Japanese Cotton

Assalam and hi!

Husband of our friend (Ms. F) visited her in Tokyo last December. That was the best opportunity to carry home some fresh Japanese Cotton from Tokyo, indeed!

This time round we requested Ms. F to choose small flowers theme. Ms. F had also introduced new category... two different designs, paired as set.

Here we go...!

RM110 category

status: available

status: sold

status: available

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

RM150 category

status: sold

status: sold

 status: sold

status: sold

RM190 category

status: sold

zoom up...

status: sold

zoom up

status: sold

zoom up

RM130 - NEW Category!!!

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

The first 2-3 days was a bit slow, but almost all snapped up within 2 weeks!!! 
Thanks to all Original Japanese Cotton lovers...

Our next shipment is scheduled on March 2014.  Wait for our fresh stock from TOKYO... ;-))

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