Sunday, January 26, 2014

Clips and snap shots... trip to Japan Sept 2013

Assalam and hi...

Few videos and clips from my trip to Tokyo in Sept 2013...

Tokyo is not about skyscrapers only... 

Tokyo without this town? No way!!!
Akihabara... the town famous with new gadgets, toys and electronic items

In Akihabara, you can find things like...

Used PSPs at jaw-dropping price!

How about PS3 or XBox360?! 

You don't have to ask the sales person to know whether the unit has scratches or the manual is missing. All related info are stated on the price tag. But wait... do you understand Japanese?

Friday, January 24, 2014

3rd batch - more Japanese Cotton

Assalam and hi!

Husband of our friend (Ms. F) visited her in Tokyo last December. That was the best opportunity to carry home some fresh Japanese Cotton from Tokyo, indeed!

This time round we requested Ms. F to choose small flowers theme. Ms. F had also introduced new category... two different designs, paired as set.

Here we go...!

RM110 category

status: available

status: sold

status: available

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

RM150 category

status: sold

status: sold

 status: sold

status: sold

RM190 category

status: sold

zoom up...

status: sold

zoom up

status: sold

zoom up

RM130 - NEW Category!!!

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

status: sold

The first 2-3 days was a bit slow, but almost all snapped up within 2 weeks!!! 
Thanks to all Original Japanese Cotton lovers...

Our next shipment is scheduled on March 2014.  Wait for our fresh stock from TOKYO... ;-))

Monday, January 20, 2014

Trip to Japan... Sept. 2013

Convocation ceremony for my Master Degree with MEIJI Univ. was supposed to be held on Sept. 17, 2013, but the University rescheduled the ceremony to March 2014.
But, I have already booked Air Asia flight and hotel!?  What to do...?
No choice but to proceed with the arrangement...

So I thought the trip should not be a normal trip. I should gain something out of it!
That was how Sakuraya-shop came into my mind... 

Anyway, let me show some pics from my visit to Tokyo in September 2013.

Train in Tokyo; you see...its their culture to either read or sleep on train

I stayed at Ikebukuro Royal Hotel. It's nothing royal about this hotel. Perhaps 2-3*. The most important, it's cheap (RM220/night/twin bed) and near to train station. The picture taken from the hotel's room

 I went to Ueno, just for 1 reason... to have fresh Maguro (Tuna) and Salmon Belly with rice... ;-)

 I had the same meal when I visited Tokyo in 2011... the freshness simply irresistible!!!

There are number of Premium Outlets in Japan. 
The one located near to Fuji Mountain called Gotemba Premium Outlet 

Design and layout of the outlets are almost the same as in Johor. Here you can find Coach, Jimmy Choo, Prada, Swatch, Burberry, Gucci, YSL, Samsonite, etc etc etc...

Bandai outlet; kids and anime fans would be crazy to have photos with these cool robots...

Bvlgari and Tag Heuer 

The girls prepared Bento (lunch pack: Nasi Lemak with sambal) for the skit YEN

I love this moment... evening at Gotemba Premium Outlets, with Fuji-san as background

Now...these are just part of our hasil tangkapan

To tell you the truth, you need one day to cover the whole Gotemba Premium Outlets. You may come for window shopping or you may empty your wallet for the goods here. The outlets give you crazy discount... up to 50 - 70%!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2nd batch - Japanese Cotton


Our 2nd batch shipment in November 2013...
Sakuraya-shop explored new product line, JAPANESE Cotton!!

All came in three different price range. Total of 18 sets sold out only in 2 weeks!!! (the last 1 set found its home a bit late, though... haha) 

We wanted to let our friends and of course our makcik, cousins and all family members who love cotton, to feel and to see the difference of the ORIGINAL JAPANESE Cotton, compared with those from Vietnam (but also claim as Japanese Cotton).

So we purposely chose Japanese design...

RM110 category

RM150 category

RM190 category (with embossed/renda design) - surprisingly popular among our customers!

How do you like our JAPANESE Cotton with Sakura theme? Cantik tak?